J.B.P. receives a lot of unjust hate on the social platform echo chambers. If you really listen to his message, I feel like he makes many beautiful points.
This photographic print, by arch0wl, can be purchased at RedBubble.com
Stand Up Straight With You Shoulders Back
So simple and yet so crucial. Life is made up of moments that test your resolve. You make the best out of it by your outlook on the situation and how you see yourself. Believing yourself as a confident, get-the-job-done type of person will, in fact, bring those qualities out of you.
Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible For Helping
This one is HUGE. We generally treat ourselves poorly. Which kind of makes the Golden Rule a bit laughable. That’s why people will critique the morals of an atheist. (But that is for another day) We really need to start caring about ourselves. Just picture your choices when it comes to a close relative, a pet, etc. We go to great lengths to care for those we love, but when it comes to the individual we should care for the most, we fall incredibly short. And what good are we, if we don’t make sure we do right by our own damn selves, when it comes time to rise to the occasion for someone in desperate need?
Befriend People Who Want The Best For You
This one is pretty self-explanatory. What good does it do you to socialize with individuals that would want to drag you down? It is said that we are the average of the five people we communicate with the most. You want to be a certain person that exudes a particular quality? Seek those individuals that already exhibit those traits.
Compare Yourself To Who You Were, Yesterday
“Comparison is the death of joy.” - Mark Twain
If you look at others to justify your value, you will never feel fulfilled. Those wells run dry pretty damn quick. Just look to be better than you were the previous day. That’s an attainable goal.
Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them
Keep those little heathens in check. That’s how we, as parents, do our part to mold these bundles of chaos into someone whose participation benefits society. We love our children. Now, let us strive to also like them, too.
Set Your House In Order Before You Criticize The World
Another big one. We all know those people that have all the answers to your life’s struggles, but they can’t keep a meaningful relationship for longer than an Amazon Prime trial period. Own up to your own shortcomings and look to correct them. It will be easier to lend yourself to a friend in need.
Pursue What Is Meaningful, Not What Is Expedient
We Live in the day and age of NOW. We want results NOW. We want happiness NOW. We want our goals achieved, yesterday, and without the hard work associated with it. Goal driven habits are not built for longevity. Those vain results will undoubtedly fade. Focus on appreciating the process, the journey, the god damn struggle. I mean, look back at some of your happiest moments. They were when you were tested and you persevered. There’s no value if it didn’t cost you something.
Tell The Truth - Or At Least Don’t Lie
Fuck, this one’s hard. Though, the ones that matter will appreciate you for it. No one likes to be lied to. It’s a realization that the person who lies to us perceived us as weak. Too weak to do something about it or too weak to handle the truth.
Assume Whoever You’re Listening To Knows Something You Don’t
This one should be no surprise. We can learn a thing or two from anyone. Whether it’s actual knowledge or an understanding of yourself from interacting with them. We all take a piece of someone that crosses our path, no matter how brief.
Be Precise In You Speech
This is one I’m trying to really get a grasp on. I have too many conversations in my head and I believe people to be as reasonable as I am. Not to say I’m some Reason Wizard, I leave too much of my life to expectations. Clear outlines make life easier. It won’t stop someone from fucking with your plans and/or desires, but at least it’s easier to analyze the situation and grow from it when your thoughts have been purveyed properly.
Do Not Bother Children When They Are Skateboarding
Let us not interject ourselves in every aspect of our kid’s lives. We should let them learn about themselves on their own, but also not leave them to fend completely alone. Us parents won’t always be around and they need to learn some self-empowerment to better handle life’s hurdles.
Pet A Cat When You Encounter One In The Streets
FUCK cats! I kid. Basically, don’t let these fleeting moments slip away before taking the time to cherish them. Live in the moment. Prepare for the future, but embrace the uncertainty.
I wish I actually had the book to really go into detail better. I let a friend borrow it and I haven’t read it in three months. I was very excited because I know how these words have affected my life and I can only wish they have a better outcome for him. Life is harsh and we need to prop each other up. Creating better people elevates our society.
Keep smiling and until next time.