“..If you want to BE with God, take mushrooms.”
A couple takeaways I had from my most recent mushroom trip. (Disclaimer: one must be a responsible adult about your drug use, much like one of the most damaging drugs, alcohol. Be mindful of your set, setting, and intentions.)
I really love the potential psychedelics have on the mind and thought process in allowing you to view and examine your life from many different points of view. As an atheist searching for a way to maintain my spirituality, these are a heavenly tool that I do not take lightly. The following is my unpacking of the gifts I received just over a week ago.
The first idea that flooded into my meat suit was the realization that multiple versions of ourselves exist on this very same plane we inhabit. As I was releasing the contents of my bladder, the bathroom lights were glowing rich amber hues (plural since there were 5 bulbs) upon my stature and creating 5 separate shadows on the wall. They were all me. The present and future me. Each light seemed to represent different influential people in my life. There was my main shadow which was at the center where they all converged. The self. But the other outer ones were potentially me, as well, depending on how I acted when presented with a certain scenario or a decision to be made. How would I act? Depending on the situation, severity, and what the problem involved and who would be most equipped to provide the best insight or advice can influence my decision. In turn, becoming a new version of myself. This dabbles a bit in determinism, but more so on the idea that we are the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves most. In essence, WWJD.
The second thread of knowledge I had bestowed upon me was the realization of how flawed language and communication truly is. We have created these sounds with certain meaning attached to them. And they vary slightly or drastically depending on who delivers and who receives them. At the end of the day, the individual speaking never truly speaks in a non-partisan manner. No one. They are voicing a thought or opinion with a set agenda. They want to convey an idea in a way that produces a particular reaction or change in the recipient's thoughts and views. Usually to favor the speaker. Communication, in its totality, is inherently flawed.
Thirdly, (and soberly I may add) 7 days later, I had another little thread make it's way into my monkey mind. People are like houses. Houses with little windows. Windows that are specifically placed throughout the exterior. Those windows allow for a small glimpse of what the house holds inside. But, the house has intentionally engineered the locations as such that the only things visible inside are what the house wants you to see. We never give anyone the whole picture and as a result, that decision is a double-edged sword. We should definitely cherish our privacy and too much transparency may lead one to be taken advantage of by malevolent persons. Although, if both parties on on the same frequency, man, what a beautiful journey they could share.
I don't know how else these little ideas creep into my mind without the help of said drugs. No. Medicine, I'd prefer. As pretentious as I and all this may sound. Every culture has used these plants for their religious, coming of age, transformational, and shamanistic purposes. I tried to explain to my wife (who has never partaken), that even as an atheist, it feels like I'm in communication with a benevolent and godly entity. And it's not communication as we know with our limited sounds. It is literally a feeling. An awareness. Like downloading and installing a new program that performs what the "manual" that you'd have to read can accomplish. You can't explain how you know, but you just do. I encourage all to try it with someone you love and trust and under the right conditions for you. Prepare yourself. Train your mind. These are gateways and not escapes. Use them wisely.
All the love,